

WWI Registration Cards, Wibaux Co., MT

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"List transcribed and organized by Ray H. Banks, Rayhbanks@aol.com All rights 

  Copyright, 1998 by Ray H. Banks. This file may be freely copied for non-profit 
        purposes. All other rights reserved.

The information below was abstracted from by Raymond H. Banks from                                                                       
civilian registration cards completed in 1917-1918.  All rights reserved.
Some men do not have birth locations listed because they registered on 
the final draft registration day in 1918 when this information was not 
recorded.  Almost 24 million men registered for the draft.
CAUTION:  Middle Eastern and East European national boundaries and 
country names were quite different than those seen on today's maps.

Microfilm copies of the original cards are maintained by the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints (LDS...the Mormons).  Researchers can 
probably order loaner copies of specific reels from Salt Lake City 
through requests at local LDS family history centers.  Payment for 
mailing costs is required.
Catalog subject heading: UNITED STATES -- MILITARY RECORDS --
WORLD WAR I [although these records are not actually military records].
Orginal cards are kept at the National Archives branch near Atlanta,

The compiler has not abstracted the registrant's address the name and 
address of next of kin,occupation, work address, general physical 
description and occasionally listed general description of a disability.  
Please consult the original card to verify all information.
1ST COLUMN:   NAME                                                                          
2ND COLUMN:  BIRTH DATE                                                                         
3RD COLUMN:  ETHNIC GROUP                                                                         
4TH COLUMN:  BIRTH LOCATION OR OTHER INFO (spelling unreliable)                                                                          

name                          birth          ethnic  birthlocat                    residence
Yaberg,Grover S.              17 Feb 1893    W       West Bend IA                  Wibaux  MT
Yadon,William Nathan           5 Jan 1899    W                                     Wibaux  MT
Yedloutschnig,Fred J.          8 May 1900    W       lives RFD Beach ND            Wibaux  MT
Yopp,Fred William             16 Jul 1873    W       lives Trotters ND             Wibaux  MT
Young,Frederick Franklin      21 May 1878    W       lives Glendive MT             Wibaux  MT